Being one of the most trusted sources of info that affects consumers decisions, LinkedIn boasts over four million companies that are just waiting for you to get “linked in.”
Contractor leads don’t have to be hard to come by. There is no magic potion that you need to drink — to be viable, you must be visible. LinkedIn serves as an essential building-block to your social media presence and overall public appearance.
LinkedIn is a great community that boasts over 300 million users. It’s known as the social network where job seekers, professionals, CEO’s, and company heads are abundant.
LinkedIn’s professional image attracts a vast array of businesses and is a great community to find new clients, connect with other industry professionals, and, if needed, find a sub-contractor.
Before you dive into building your page, let’s go over the best practices to follow for a fully optimized LinkedIn page.
Images and Groups
Your profile says everything about you so make sure you get everything in about you and your contracting business. If you don’t have a complete online profile, what does that say about you being able to complete a job?
Everyone loves photos so make sure the photo or company logo you put up is a high-quality image that properly represents you in the most professional manner. Be sure to upload photos from previous work sites and jobs to showcase your skill even more.
Connect with other industry professionals. It’s called social media for a reason, so be social! Doing so allows your page to attract more contractor leads. Network with your peers and engage in conversations about your industry.
Joining professional niche groups is a great way to share ideas and converse with like-minded professionals. You can gather great ideas and incorporate them into your own contracting company.
Content Attracts Contractor Leads
Craft your content towards people who you want to engage with. Be the voice they want to hear and assert yourself as an expert.
Content doesn’t always have to come directly from you. Asking for recommendations and endorsements are very common on LinkedIn.
Often times you will see companies with a bunch of specialty endorsements related to their industry.
Asking ex-colleagues and clients for endorsements and recommendations will do your company wonders. The more endorsements you have on your profile, the higher you will rank when someone searches for that exact word.
Be searchable, be memorable. To take your social media and inbound marketing to the next level, download our Inbound Marketing Checklist.
To your inbound marketing success!