Contractor Marketing Articles

Marketing For Contractors Is Profitable With This One Simple Hack

Marketing for contractors doesn’t have to be as painful as you might think. You spend a lot of money on marketing, but you just aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for.

Are you not getting enough leads? Are these leads not qualified? You might just be marketing to the wrong market.

By speaking to the wrong audience, you’re wasting tons of marketing dollars in searching for the wrong customer. You say you want to market to a certain person, but just end up marketing to the general public.

Marketing for contractors target market

It’s important to market to those who are most likely to become your customers, not just speaking to billions of people on the internet “just because.” General marketing doesn’t produce the kind of leads you’re looking for. You want qualified leads.

So, the question becomes, how do you market to the right audience? The answer is knowing exactly who your buyer personas are and what they’re looking for. So, what’s a buyer persona?

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations based on real data about customer demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals.

By defining your buyer personas, you can then create content that is relevant to those customers you’re trying to attract, also known as your target market.

Creating Buyer Personas

Research, research, research. If you don’t know who these people are, then how are you going to create such a persona?

Questions you’ll want to focus on are topics such as their home size, physical location, income, goals, challenges, etc.

By identifying these possible pains of your potential customers, you immediately are able to offer them a solution with your services.

By asking these questions, you will properly identify your target market.

Once you have created your buyer personas, all of your marketing materials should be focused on those personas. This will help you effectively attract the ideal market, convert them into leads, and hopefully close them into customers!

From sales calls to blogging, your primary focus needs to be on your buyer persona.

Target Found, Now Go Get It

Now that you’ve identified your target market, it’s time to engage and delight them! By focusing on a specific target market, you will increase your web traffic, ensure a profitable growth, and increase the number of quality leads.

To further your knowledge of how to attract your target market even better, I invite you to download our “Inbound Marketing Checklist for Contractors.” Just click below!

To Your Inbound Marketing Success!


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